
General Information

Reserva Nacional Tamango o Lago Cochrane

Los Carpinteros

Country: Chile

Region: Región de Aysén

Area: Reserva Nacional Tamango o Lago Cochrane

Nearest city: Cochrane

Number of journeys: 1

Total distance: 4200m (solo ida)

Trail Markings: Frecuente y clara

Trail: Claro y marcado

Route type: Ida y vuelta

Graduations (4)




I did it



Daniel Perez


Hiking routes


Reserva Nacional Tamango o Lago Cochrane

Author: Daniel Perez (CL).

Posted on 06/07/2016.

Translated by Claire Mack


Just 4km from the town of Cochrane, the national park Reserva Nacional Tamango o Lago Cochrane is a small gem in Chilean Patagonia. Famous due to the huemuls (South Andean deer) that inhabit the area, this reserve is an unmissable chance to go deep into the forests and Patagonian steppe, as well as a chance to see beautiful and varied fauna.

The Carpinteros route starts at the park entrance and is approx. 4.2km in distance. On the way you will come to a camping area where you can stay if you wish to better explore this wonderful place. The route leads through varying types of vegetation: areas with low bushes; areas of young trees and dense Coigüe tree forests. What’s more, the entire route follows the crystalline waters of the River Cochrane, and offers incredible views of Lake Cochrane. 325km² in size, it is a binational lake shared between Chile and Argentina, known in Argentina as Lake Pueyrredón.


The excursion takes between 3 and 5 hours (there and back), and is completed by dozens of persons each day, among them many foreigners looking for adventure in Patagonia.

Appropriate season

The park is open all year round, but we recommend that you visit in Spring and Summer when the temperatures are higher, and access to Cochrane is easier.


Cochrane – Reserva Nacional Tamango

From the main square, Plaza de Armas, in Cochrane to the Reserva Nacional Tamango is approx. 3.5km. Head northeast towards the Artisan Market in the town. When you reach this point, follow signpost which leads to a dirt track which will take you northeast (left). Continue along this road for approx. 2.5km until you reach the reserve where you will need to register and pay the entrance fee. You can park alongside the Conaf guardpoint. There is no public transport to the reserve.

Permits / Prices

The entrance fees are: Chilean adult CLP$2000 ((USD$ 4), Chilean child CLP$500 (USD$ 1), foreign adult CLP$4000 (USD$ 8), foreign child CLP$1500 (USD$ 3).

Accommodation / Facilities

The reserve offers different areas for camping. For this route, you can camp at the end of the Carpinteros route, as well as in the jetty located 500m for the reserve entrance


  • Keep a camera to hand. The fact that there are huemul and other species of animal in the area makes it important to always be ready to take photos.
  • If you have more time and are in good physical condition, we recommend that you join this route to that of Los Coigües, which continues to the east.


  • Trekking boots or high-ankle boots.
  • Comfortable clothing, windbreaker and hat, gloves, etc. to keep warm.
  • Sun-glasses, sun protection.
  • Trekking poles (optional).


  1. Cochrane – Carpinteros Route – Cochrane


Los Carpinteros
Daniel Perez 11/02/2016

Punto alcanzado: Sendero completo

Fecha expedición: 12/02/2015

Sin duda una joyita de la Patagonia. Relativamente corto y fácil, pero con hermosas vistas tanto del río y lago Cochrane, como de las montañas circundantes. Realizamos el sendero junto a mi hermano, aprovechando además del realizar el circuito que une los senderos Carpinteros, Coigües, Ciruelillos, Huemules y Aguilas. Si se tiene más tiempo se recomienda 100% visitar más de esta reserva. Mi experiencia en este sendero la pueden ver en mi blog:

Punto alcanzado: Fin del sendero

Fecha expedición: 10/02/2015

Si bien cuando visité este parque nacional no tenía mucha noción de cómo era la Patagonia en sí, me bastó con visitar los hermosos senderos alrededor del río y lago Cochrane para poder entender la belleza de esta. Con mi hermano realizamos este sendero junto a los otros existentes para recorrer  en un circuito gran parte del parque. El trekking es bastante agradable y confortable, pudimos ver varios tipos de pájaros, destacando el carpintero negro. Si se posee todo un día para hacer trekking, se recomiendo TOTALMENTE visitar esta reserva todo lo que se pueda.

Tracks and Waypoints

Los Carpinteros

Aportado por: David Valdés
Fecha: 17/06/2015